New restrooms, more benches on the way at Riverside Park

New restrooms for Riverside Park have already gotten a green light at La Crosse City Hall. Now, a private citizens’ group is busy trying to raise matching funds for the project.
Friends of Riverside Park will contribute up to $250,000 to the new facility near the park entrance, to match funding approved by the city.
The group is also taking donations on its website here.
Group member Abbie Leithold Gerzema likes the planned improvements over the current restroom, noting that there will be more stalls for women in the new building, reducing the waiting time for women.
The Friends group also is raising funds to install more green benches at the Riverside bandshell.
Seven new benches have just been put in place on new concrete at the bandshell site. Friends member Dave Clements says more than a hundred new benches could be put in before long.
The new restrooms are expected to be built near the State Street entrance to Riverside Park before the end of the year.