As I See It
Wisconsin legislature ready to clock our for 2024

It is only February, but Wisconsin legislators are getting close to wrapping up their work. For the year. The Wisconsin legislative session began just last month, but our elected members of the Assembly are hoping to clock out for the year by tomorrow. The Senate will stay in session a little longer, but only until April. To meet their schedule, lawmakers have been cramming to get the votes in on a variety of issues, both big and small, so they can hit the campaign trail. It’s a pretty good gig if you can get it. Members of the Wisconsin Legislature earn over $58,000 a year. They also earn a per diem, and get an office staff, mailing privileges, a pension and other perks. That is certainly a full-time salary, but they are barely working part-time. It is not like they don’t have any unfinished business in Madison. They are punting on issues like legalizing medical marijuana, and haven’t even taken the time to confirm dozens of the Governor’s appointments to state boards and commissions. Either our lawmakers are working too little or getting paid too much. Or perhaps both. Only a dozen states pay their state legislators more than does Wisconsin. Let’s hope those states are getting their money’s worth, because based on the short calendar and lack of productivity on key issues, Wisconsin is not getting its money’s worth from those we send to Madison.

Kent Porter
February 21, 2024 at 6:52 am
They should get paid hourly
February 21, 2024 at 10:37 am
Good. Less government is most always better government.
If the Dems ever take over the legislature you can be sure they will be working overtime to “improve” our lives.