Republican Ryan Huebsch announces another Wisconsin state Assembly run against Democrat Steve Doyle

Republican Ryan Huebsch announced this week, he is running again for state Assembly in Wisconsin’s 94th District.
Huebsch joined WIZM’s La Crosse Talk on Friday.
“There’s a growing number of people who are not happy with the way our government is being run. And with the fighting and ineffectiveness among our elected leaders on both sides of the aisle,” Huebsch told WIZM’s Mike Hayes. “But, more than anything, people simply wonder, ‘How did we get here? The greatest nation in the history of the world and we’re weighted down by a sluggish economy, constantly rising inflation and what makes everything more expensive in leaders who seem to old and out of touch to understand.”
The 28-year-old Huebsch ran against Democratic incumbent Steve Doyle in 2022, losing by 756 votes (2.6%) out 28,907 cast. Doyle, 65, announced a few weeks ago on La Crosse Talk PM he was running for reelection.
The 94th District did change a bit when Republicans, who control the Legislature, signed onto Gov. Tony Evers’ newly drawn maps, after a lawsuit threw out the GOP’s old maps. The district now includes a portion of Trempealeau County, as well as the north side of La Crosse.
Asked by Hayes if Huebsch would get things done in the GOP Party, or be part of the Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene part of the government.
“Absolutely not,” he said of Greene, 49, and Gaetz, 41, who are US House reps., while Huebsch is running for state Assembly. “It’s just frustrating. Isn’t it frustrating to watch. It’s time for the next generation to take up the challenge and lead.
“It’s time to put the Coulee Region back on the map,” Huebsch continued. “We’ve been forgotten and passed over for far too long by our current leadership. I look forward to bringing that voice back to Madison and what I’m looking forward to most is traveling the area that I grew up in, once again, and talking with our friends and neighbors about what issues they think are important.”
Huebsch also talked a bit about Wisconsin’s budget surplus, which has hovered between $3 billion and $7 billion for well over two years.
“Our state budget grows faster than our salaries grow every year,” Huebsch said. “Madison’s sitting on billions in tax dollars — either directly from us or from taxes we’ve paid to Washington. Release those dollars, either to programs stay as intended or back to the people who provided it.”
Huebsch then changed his focus to education.
“Our schools and universities decided to start to teach their version of American and World history,” he said. “Now they’re surprised there are protests supporting the same parents who burn our flag. What is happening is just not working.”
Learn more about Huebsch here.