As I See It
Homelessness remains a vexing problem for City Hall
Is it the most vexing problem City Hall has faced? You’d think so, given the amount of time and resources the city of La Crosse has put into trying to solve the problem of homelessness. And they’re still at it. After trying unsuccessfully to buy local buildings to house the unsheltered, the city paid to put them up in a local hotel, then let them camp out in Houska Park, which they turned into a garbage dump. Then the city foot the bill for the homeless to live in a local hotel. Now many of the homeless have taken to living in several downtown parking ramps and parks. The city is debating whether to essentially kick them out of the parks by declaring them to be no camping areas. But they can’t even seem to agree on that. The Judiciary Committee held a vote earlier this week on rules for camping in city parks, but essentially deadlocked and has forwarded the legislation to the full council without a recommendation whether it be approved. So is the answer to provide resources to the homeless and risk attracting more homeless, or is it to essentially run them out of town? Even after all these years, City Hall still can’t seem to decide.
Kent Porter
July 7, 2023 at 6:34 am
How about kicking the homeless out of the parks and ramps then kick them over to job service to get jobs
Theresa Bartle-Porter
July 7, 2023 at 8:20 am
Great minds think a like. Or like a co worker said. Bus A you want help. Bus B we are dropping you off in Mexico.
Carol Herlitzka
July 7, 2023 at 12:33 pm
Put them on busses to ny, calif, delaware. Out of sight out of mind.
Hank Kasson
July 10, 2023 at 1:53 am
What a worthless shame!
What if you Kent; lost your job today??
How long can you live on Unemployment??
Theresa? Or Carol??
I guarantee it; if you have no job for 6 months….
You will be homeless and helpless!!