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Ron Kind talks of his support of TPP, while presidential candidates denounce it



Kind’s primary opponent, Myron Buchholz, also opposes TPP

Ron Kind has been criticized for it. Screamed at for it. But the Democratic Congressman from La Crosse won’t back down from his support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership  (TPP) trade agreement.  

The disagreements over a free-trade deal have been contentious, but Kind says the TPP represents the best current hope for the U.S. to set the ground rules for trade in the Pacific Rim.  

“We’re already trading with these countries, but now we’re trading with them with no rules at all,” Kind said. “That’s a race to the bottom.

“If we’re not there at the table establishing the rules of trade, China will, and we’ll be on the outside looking in trying to compete in that race to the bottom two and we’re not going to win that race.”

Kind believes the TPP, which involves a dozen countries, puts in place trade rules in a region where few currently exist.

“There are no standards to enforce on labor protections, environmental standards, human rights standards,” Kind said. “The president, and his negotiating team, changed that under that TPP agreement.

“Now we’re elevating those standards up and leveling the playing field, I believe, for our workers, for our businesses, for our family farmers, so they can be more successful and competing in the fastest growing economic region in the world right now, the Pacific Rim.”

Kind has steadfastly supported TPP even while his primary opponent, Myron Buccholz, has joined with both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in opposition.




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