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La Crosse Promise aiming to raise rate of high school seniors applying for financial aid



For many high schoolers thinking about college, how they pay for it remains one of the biggest obstacles.

But, are they giving up before they know all the facts?

At Logan High School, 54 percent of graduating seniors filled out the FAFSA form — an application for financial aid.

Matt Gordy is a future center advisor with La Crosse Promise. He says one reason for not filling out the document pops up the most.

“The fear of alone, not wanting to occur debt or credit or ‘I’m never going to dig out of this hole that I dig myself into,'” Gordy said. “There’s a lot of times that we spend with students where we try to explain why that is an OK route.”

Gordy says many assume they can’t go to a private college or larger institution like the University of Wisconsin-Madison but don’t know of the several grants and programs available to them.

“Look at how many grants, scholarships, work studies and deals that these institutions are willing to make with you because they want you on campus,” Gordy said. “They’re going to find money for you or create packages for you that make you competitive.”

Gordy says they are marketing the application process to ensure that students that need financial assistance to further their education get that.

Logan was right in line with the national rate for filling out the FAFSA form at 54 percent.

Born in Decorah Iowa. I've been a news reporter for the last 10 years, starting right out of college in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Other professional opportunities led me to Marshalltown, Iowa and Antigo Wisconsin, before I finally was afforded the opportunity here in La Crosse. I've been here since 2016. I also act as the voice of local sports, doing play by play of high school and college football and basketball. When not working I enjoy golfing.