Local News
$30,000 in education spending approved for road work referendums

La Crosse County is ready to spend up to $30,000 on public education about the highway funding referendums on the November ballot.
The county board approved the funding Monday night.
Before the election, the county plans to mail out flyers, which would describe each of the four questions on the ballot. Those questions include the options of a wheel tax and a sales tax increase.
Supervisor Andrea Richmond objects to possibly hiring an ad agency to design the postcard, when that work could be done in-house by county employees.
“Three-thousand to $4,000 just to design the postcards and the mailing, I just thought was a little overpriced,” Richmond said.
The advisory referendums are designed to give the county board some guidance on which way to raise money for millions of dollars in county road projects.
Richmond was the only board member to vote against the $30,000 allocation.