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La Crosse SOUP is back



@LaCrosseSOUP on Facebook

Crowd-funding group will now have board of directors, after previous fallout.

La Crosse SOUP is back with a little different feel.

The new new version of the crowd-funding event in the city has reformed, after a controversy over its diversion of funds caused the informal community fundraiser to implode last winter.

Things are different now, says new director Josh Court, primarily because the organization has an actual board of directors and a new focus.

“We’re really focused on putting on four quality events throughout the year that bring the community together and celebrate some creative projects in La Crosse,” Court said.

The first crowd-funding event for the reformed group is on July 25 at the Root Note in downtown La Crosse.   

What prompted the change came last year amid revelations that founder Andrew Londre had used money from the public fundraiser to fund a promotional video project. Londre’s gone now – hence that board of directors, which has taken over to create structure. But, not too much, according to Court.

“The people love the looseness and they love the grassroots feel to it,” court said. “Some structure is good. Too much structure might turn some people off.

The events will be similar to before. Helping start projects in the community that still involve people paying a few bucks for some soup and bread, before voting on what projects to fund.

Court believes the winning pitches will be familiar, as well.

“The ones that always seem to get some traction are the ones that are feel-good-type stories – helping out groups or individuals that might be struggling,” he said, “or the ones that have a really strong plan for execution and can do it pretty quick and easy.” 

Check out the La Crosse SOUP on Facebook here.

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