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Minnesota considering lifting Sunday liquor sales that have been banned since prohibition



Stores bordering other states could benefit, while for others, it may be burden.

A ban on Sunday liquor sales in Minnesota that dates to prohibition may be out the door this year.  

Supporters and opponents alike see a bill to allow Sunday sales getting approved by lawmakers.

Dave Ruppert, owner of Fifth St. Liquor in Winona, Minn., says he sees plusses and minuses.

“I was not in favor of it because of the fact that then we have to be open on Sunday,” Ruppert said. “But I am in favor of it because we’re so close to Wisconsin that all our Sunday sales go over there and we lose so much sales tax revenue over there.”

Ruppert thought the extra day would add about five percent to his sales.

“It’s not going to be a whole lot but it’s going to make a little bit of a difference,” Ruppert said.

Lawmakers keep trying to repeal the Sunday ban and all you need to do is follow the money, Ruppert says

“The revenue that they lose every year on sales tax on that Sunday is unbelievable,” he said.

If passed, the new law would go into effect on July 1.  


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