A trend may be forming for medication take back days in the area. As
Interviews for four people vying to fill a vacant La Crosse county board
A charge of stalking for a La Crosse man apparenlty should not have been his
Police reserves are getting credited for intervening in the brutal beat
Seems as though a Sparta guy, wanting to rid himself of some household items,
Not a big year for the flu locally. (Click for Audio) Kelly Dickson’s with
Then it was back down to two. the number of candidates for the race for
Too drunk and going to jail……….the reasons a Sparta man gave police as
Habitat in La Crosse needs to raise an initial $200 thousand by the end
The Mayo Clinic Health System hospital in Sparta went a bit far when Spring
A fight with an ex-girlfriend has led to some pretty hefty charges for a La
Some skepticism about plans to send La Crosse inmates to Caledonia.