Mayor Tim Kabat is right. La Crosse Street needs to be fixed now. Kabat is proposing fixing the pothole filled road and having local taxpayers pay...
What is the solution for fixing Wisconsin’s crumbling roads? Lawmakers in Madison have struggled with that for years, and so far the only answer is to...
Sounds like we have opened a Pandora’s box. As we discussed yesterday, Foxconn is getting a sweetheart deal from Wisconsin taxpayers, collecting $200,000 in taxpayer subsidies...
We knew the Foxconn deal was expensive. Now we’re finding out just how expensive. Wisconsin lawmakers pledged to give the Taiwanese company nearly $3 billion in...
Will you be the first to roll up your sleeves Governor Walker? Scott Walker is calling for the drug testing of those who live in public...
There has got to be a better way. And there is. But Wisconsin lawmakers continue to ignore more fair methods for creating legislative boundaries that determine...
Hey Madison, could you slow down a bit? That is the message from State Rep. Peter Barca, who is critical of the Wisconsin Legislature’s rushed agenda....
They just won’t let this one go. Lawmakers in Madison have for years tried to curry favor with the rent-to-own industry, drafting legislation which would allow...
Wisconsin has a long tradition of openness in government. We expect the public’s business to be conducted in the light of day. That is why government...
It is hard to argue when politicians want to give us some of our money back. We can all agree we pay too much in taxes...
Quite a battle is brewing in Madison. Unfortunately, it is not a battle over an issue that voters actually care about. The power struggle is over...
Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That is what is happening in Wisconsin, as our lawmakers work to pass a law to allow...
What are we to make of the recent results of a special state senate election in Wisconsin? Probably not much. But that doesn’t stop all the...
Sometimes our government create programs that actually work. Such was the case in Wisconsin with the Wisconsin Conservation Corps. This program employed young people to do...
The war of words keeps escalating in the feud over whether La Crosse County’s judges are soft on crime. Now it has reached new heights. La...
The controversy over sexual misconduct allegations continues to dog the Wisconsin legislature. Milwaukee state representative Josh Zepnick is accused of sexual misconduct by two women, but...
Here we go again. After passing a series of recent stop-gap spending bills to keep the federal government operating, a potential government shutdown looms once again....
The quest to help people safely cross the street has taken many forms. Cities paint white lines to denote safe crossing points at intersections. In La...
Technically, the race for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court is non-partisan. In reality, the race has become one of the most partisan of any...
It has become an issue seemingly everywhere. Sexual harassment in the workplace. It is happening in politics, including in Wisconsin. But the state still hasn’t properly...