As I See It
All elections are important, including today’s
Today is an important day. It may not seem so to most people. They will choose to sit out this opportunity to participate in our democratic process by casting a ballot. It is election day today in Wisconsin, where voters are asked to make only a handful of choices. But the choices are important nonetheless. On the ballot statewide is just one race, a primary election for a seat on Wisconsin’s highest court. Three candidates are running in today’s primary to succeed Michael Gableman on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The top two vote getters will meet in the general election. In La Crosse county, voters are being asked to determine which of two democratic candidates should run for the position of county treasurer. You may think these races aren’t important, or that you don’t know enough about the candidates, or that your vote doesn’t matter. But the races are important. There is still time to research the positions of the candidates. And your vote does matter. More so today than in most elections, with turnout likely to be only around 10 percent. Today’s primary is important, as are all elections. Be sure to make your voice heard today.