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As I See It

Peaceful transfer of power is what makes America great again



Two months from tomorrow, voters across the country will head to the polls to select our next President. So, then this long and bitter campaign will finally be over, right? Not if past history is any guide. When Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, and even before, he spoke of election interference and voter fraud that he said cost him the election. And he wasn’t ready to give in quietly. In fact, he continues to claim that he was somehow the victim of some injustice, that it wasn’t possible that he simply lost the election.  The failure to ensure a peaceful transfer of power, a tradition after every election, further divided the country and kept some unnecessarily debating the outcome of the election. It led to one of the darkest moments in America’s history, an attack on the U.S. Capitol. As we near the November election, Trump and his disciples continue to allege the upcoming election could be stolen from him. That does not bode well for a peaceful transfer of power after the next election should Trump lose. But it is that peaceful transfer of power after a bitter election fight every four years  that makes America great again.

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  1. Kevin

    September 4, 2024 at 7:32 am

    SRS – peaceful transfer of power, is that what you call happened in 2016 when Trump was ‘officially’ elected? The stated BLM riots, the democrat representatives telling people to resist in the streets, the bailing out of rioters and criminals, Pelosi’s disgraceful ripping up of the State of the Union Address….you mean that peaceful transfer of power? You mean when the power brokers unleashed the pee-pee gate hoax, the constant press releases of the mental state of Trump, the physical state of Trump, that he was crazy and deranged, that he was going to start WW3? You mean where the generals called our enemies and said, don’t you worry, if the president is going to attack you, we will call you first? you mean that peaceful transfer of power?

    You mean when President Trump said, march peacefully and patriotically to let your voices be heard about the election results and the fixed nature of the riots, which were mostly peaceful by any definition the democrats have ever defined their rioting……

    There were enough voting anomalies to warrant doubt in the election results of 2020?

    You are full of shite, lacking in all intellectual honesty …. we know it, you know it, and the radio station knows it. You are employed to offer and opinion to bring readership to this page.

    • LG

      September 4, 2024 at 1:58 pm

      Just to add a few things not mentioned…

      It seems SRS is an election interference denier. Election interference can take many forms, not just at the ballot box. But since I started there, I will point out the following. The courts never heard any of the evidence. Because the courts did not want to get involved they refused to hear cases brought before them due to lack of standing. The absence of a ruling does not mean there was no election interference at the ballot box. Rules for the election were significantly altered in knee-jerk fashion related to the pandemic. Mail-in voting and drop boxes became the norm. Clearly, there is a relationship between these last-minute rule changes and the resulting claims of election interference. We did not have such widespread belief in election interference until the politicians, mostly Democrats, used the opportunity of the pandemic to change the rules. And then there is the non-ballot related election interference The Democrats like SRS refused to discuss: The constant negative spin against Trump in the media. The selective coverage in favor of Democrats and against Republicans. The mini hoax is that you mention And an important one that you forgot to mention. That is, the disallowance that the Hunter laptop was genuine which has now been proven as opposed to the media mantra that it was Russian disinformation. Polls conducted on the subject revealed that people would have voted very differently in the 2020 election had the truth about Joe Biden, and his family been known. Scott Robert Shaw, that is election interference, which you continue to deny.

  2. Tom

    September 5, 2024 at 9:38 am

    What if it is stolen? Should there not be an uproar?

    • Trane Joe

      September 6, 2024 at 8:07 am

      Shaw confuses election interference with fraud investigation. Trump, and all those who voted for him, are owed a proper investigation. That includes judges’ efforts to stonewall entering evidence of fraud to have it properly litigated. For example, tens of thousands of supposedly “mail-in ballots” were processed in Georgia that have no creases from mailing and are on incorrect paper. The judges have been stonewalling multiple efforts to unsealed these ballots.

      Shaw, if there’s no evidence of fraud, why not unsealed the evidence so we can all see?

  3. walden

    September 13, 2024 at 9:53 pm

    Russian collusion: U.S. intel lied to the public.
    Hunter Laptop: U.S. intel lied to the public.

    These incidents materially impacted the 2016 and 2020 elections and pretty much everything in between and since.

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