As I See It

Fake electors should not oversee Wisconsin elections



It’s just common sense. Someone who tries to rig the outcome of an election should not be allowed to have any involvement in the administration of elections. Yet Robert Spindell remains a member of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, the bipartisan group that oversees Wisconsin’s elections. Spindell was also one of Wisconsin’s fake electors, who tried to change the outcome of the Wisconsin 2020 election won by Joe Biden to say Donald Trump was the real winner. A lawsuit settled the matter, with 10 fake electors admitting that Biden won in Wisconsin, while promising to never serve as electors for Trump again. But Spindell remains a member of the commission, despite his obvious conflict of interest. Now, a group of democrats are hoping to pass a state law that would ban anyone who tried to disenfranchise Wisconsin voters from having any official role in administering Wisconsin’s elections, including serving on the Wisconsin Elections Commission. According to backers, anyone who actively works to disenfranchise Wisconsin voters should not have a role in shaping the democratic process. That makes sense. But Spindell is refusing to step down and Senate leaders refuse to force him to resign. And his term runs through 2026. Clearly, Spindell can’t be trusted. The people of Wisconsin deserve better.


  1. John Q Public

    March 21, 2024 at 5:38 am

    And fake elections should not be allowed controlled by democrats.

  2. kevin

    March 21, 2024 at 7:39 am


    First it is intellectually, and factually dishonest to call them ‘fake’ electors! Regardless of their plea, which was forced out of them in lieu of trials that would be terribly one sided, ‘orchestrated’, predetermined and terribly expensive. You might have credibility if you ever, and I do mean ever told both sides of the story.

    It was plainly an alternate slate of electors, which, from my understanding there is precedent for in our election history. Had Trump succeeded in getting the election reviewed, which for some reason, our judicial system refused and resisted investigating, even with the large number of voting irregularities, including here in Wisconsin, he would have needed that alternate slate of electors to get elected.

    Democrats, leftist loonies, and chamber of commerce republicans love to throw words and phrases around like; fake electors, election deniers, supremacists, fascist, insurrection, etc…and yet have zero anecdotal or other type of evidence.

    I realize this is an opinion piece, it is amusing, infuriating and exhausting though to hear you echo the opinions of our ‘main-line’ fraud based pravdian type news sources.

  3. Walden

    March 21, 2024 at 10:39 am

    Spindell remains on the commission because there is a substantial component of WI voters who believe the election was stolen. Failure by the media and the judiciary to fairly and impartially address those concerns has only resulted in a further divided electorate.

    Biden has “won” the Dem primaries. But did he? He refused to debate RFK Jr., refused him secret service protection despite his family legacy (even while providing protection to dirtbag Hunter), sued to keep RFK off the ballots in many states, all supported by the tainted media. So did Biden win or was the election rigged or stolen? How do you define “win.” It’s a win by cheating. So put an asterisk next to Biden’s name as president.

    And put an asterisk next to Shaw’s name as a journalist.

  4. Mitey Mite

    March 21, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    Apparently, Mr Shaw has “forgotten” the lawsuit in question was a civil suit; not a criminal matter. So of course Spindell should be allowed to continue to serve on the commission.

  5. Jack

    March 24, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    TEXTBOOK ELECTION FRAUD which was rife during the 2020 election (especially in Wisconsin) is totally ignored by SHAW! Here’s your TEXTBOOK ELECTION FRAUD, Shaw! The Nursing Home Vote Operation promulgated by Mark Zuckerberg figured prominently in swinging the Wisconsin vote for Biden in 2020. Take a look at it! It’s in your face! The Democrats voted Nursing Home Residents’ ballots for those Residents. Only three or four residents per nursing home are even capable of voting PER THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY, THEIR DOCTORS! The internet never forgets!
    The Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life gave $8.8 million towards the administration of the 2020 election in Wisconsin.
    One of Sinkula’s colleagues knew ahead of time “how the outcome was going to come in November,” Sinkula claimed, because the colleague knew people who had registered nursing home residents who didn’t normally vote and apparently voted for them.”

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