
Pfaff and La Crosse students want more gun safety regulations in Wisconsin



A new call for gun safety laws in Wisconsin is being made by a La Crosse area lawmaker, and local college students.

Democratic State Sen. Brad Pfaff and students Em Anderson and Evan Smazel from UW-La Crosse spoke outside the La Crosse County Courthouse on Friday, speaking about gun-related violence at schools.
Anderson spoke from her own personal experience. She was attending Waukesha South High School in 2019, when another student brought a weapon to school, and that student was shot and wounded by police. Anderson says her class thought the incident was a drill, until the emergency lasted for several minutes.

“Later, we learned that the student’s gun was not real,” said Anderson, but the trauma she experienced was real. “And yet, we were all still expected to go to school the next day, as if nothing had happened.”

Smazel recited a list of recent school shootings around the country, and asked “How much longer are we going to allow this list to get?”

Pfaff says gun safety bills are being passed in Congress, but he claims that some politicians are blocking new gun laws out of support for the National Rifle Association. “This should not be a controversial topic, to insure that our children can go to school, go to a mall, or go to a movie theater without fear that it may be the last thing they do.”

The state Democratic Party says the Pfaff event in La Crosse was timed to coincide with former President Donald Trump’s speech to the NRA annual meeting, and to accuse Trump and the GOP of supporting bills that would make schools and communities less safe.


  1. Come On Man

    February 10, 2024 at 9:53 am

    How about enforcing the current laws on the books? Punish anyone who commits a crime with a gun.
    It’s not “gun violence”, they are GUN CRIMES.
    Hunter Biden is a felon who was caught with drugs and then purchased a hand gun. He should be in jail along with these gang members in Chicago who commit crimes using a hand guns and then get let out of jail on bond or an ankle bracelet. Mental health is out of control yet no one talks about that issue.
    How many daily shootings in Chicago and around the country in large cities are committed with legally purchased firearms?
    Wake up people.

  2. Mitey Mite

    February 10, 2024 at 9:14 pm

    Clown show. Not worthy of comment.

    • richard Lepsch

      February 11, 2024 at 5:29 am

      No where did it say how they were going to get the guns from the criminals or stop criminals from getting them. How about this…start enforcing the current laws.

  3. Kevin

    February 12, 2024 at 9:56 am

    I am in agreement with ‘enforce the law’. Do that first. There is already a law against murder, hasn’t stopped anyone. There are laws about felons having guns, hasn’t stopped anyone. There are laws against speeding, hasn’t stopped anyone. There are laws against illegal immigration, hasn’t stopped anyone, in fact, that law has prompted our government to encourage illegal immigration.

    Enforce the laws we have! How many of these ‘shootings’ have actually had opportunity to stop them prior to commitment and our systems let them slip.

    Our government does everything possible to create anxiety, angst, confusion, division, disunity in the general electorate. When was the last time our governments, local, state or federal did anything to actually unify our populace. We destroy the family, we usurp parental rights….

  4. The Dude

    February 13, 2024 at 10:38 am

    Brad Williams and Mr. Pfaff as a supporter of your campaign,

    I have to agree that we need to enforce current laws (adding more laws over and above the current law’s that are not being enforced does nothing).

    Below are just a snippet of current laws on the books that took about 30 seconds of a google search

    Wisconsin Statutes
    322.128 (2022) — Article 128 …
    939.32 Attempt Whoever attempts to commit a felony or a crime
    940.24  Injury by negligent handling of dangerous weapon, explosives or fire.
    948.60  Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.
    948.605  Gun-free school zones.
    948.61  Dangerous weapons other than firearms on school premises.

    ENFORCE LAW & ORDER in Wisconsin

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