As I See It
Will leaf pickup be the next city service to go?
It is always a race against time. We see it every year at this time, as the city of La Crosse tries to pick up the leaves from your boulevard before they become covered in snow. Of course, they can’t predict the weather that far in advance, but if they start collecting too early, the leaves are still clinging to the tree and there is nothing to vacuum away. If they wait a couple of weeks before beginning their collection schedule, they risk not being able to pick them up if they are encased in ice. The city began its collection, with a plan to make five passes through the city. But many cursed City Hall when their leaves weren’t picked up and the snow began to fall. Residents like this service, just like they like the large item pickup each year. It is one of the few things residents can get from the city without having to open their wallets and purses. But that service is going away amid budget cuts. And of course the southside library has already closed its doors. Apparently we can’t have nice things. But I was pleased to see my leaves finally sucked away yesterday, even as I had given up hope they would be removed from my boulevard yet this season. Now we’re left to wonder, amid tight city budgets, whether this will be the final time La Crosse offers this service too.
December 12, 2023 at 5:46 am
Get rid of the bird feeders and the city wouldn’t have to be dropping services that the property tax payer actually uses. We have let our city government be the caretakers for too many people for too long. Decisions need to be made that won’t be made because we have let government be people’s self responsibility. People like Mr. Shaw are the reason why our government has gotten too big and people like him are too arrogant to ever admit that their decisions were wrong. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result equals insanity. The city of Lacrosse is the fastest shrinking city in WI according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal. Not the award you want. Our city government should be proud. We are being led by over educated people that haven’t produced or haven’t been in the working class in years. We need downsize our city government and get it back in the black. Too many paper pushers and not enough workers. Mr Shaw should use his voice to help push our city government to downsize departments or get rid of them altogether. He can start by getting our city government to get rid of the vagrants that are draining and destroying the city.
December 12, 2023 at 4:21 pm
Mulch the leaves.