As I See It

Which issues will actually decide the election?



We know what the issues are in the political campaigns. But which are the issues that will decide the outcome? Generally speaking, the main issues in the campaigns, whether for Governor, Senate, or Congress are well known. Inflation, crime, abortion policies, taxes, illegal immigration, education, and the Coronavirus. Republican candidates like Tim Michels and Ron Johnson have made crime and inflation the main issues in the campaign, accusing their opponents of being wrong on both. Democrats have made abortion their key issue along with protecting democracy. With the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion, we have seen how many, both men and women, have been energized to act in response. Will that translate to a higher democratic turnout on election day, and if so, will it be enough to make a difference? The polls in both the Wisconsin Senate and Governor’s race are both extremely tight according to the latest Marquette Law School poll. The races could tighten further in the next two weeks. Will abortion be the key issue in deciding these races, or will it be inflation? That likely will depend on voter turnout, and that we won’t know until election day.


  1. Tom

    October 24, 2022 at 9:52 am

    Which issues will actually decide the election?

    Simple. Dim or Rep.

  2. Kent

    October 24, 2022 at 11:17 am

    Inflation , The boarder , Gas prices , Crime , Grocery prices , All caused by the DEMS , They own all of this , Vote them out and lets start to get our country back !!!!!!!!!!!! Write in Kent Porter for Mayor next election and we will get our city back also !!!!!!!!!

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