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Report: Mitchell gets majority of support from outside groups in Wisconsin governor’s race

The spending in Wisconsin’s U.S. Senate race has been nothing short of extraordinary prior to today’s primary vote. And it’s bound to go only higher.
The latest report shows nearly $37 million spent by Tammy Baldwin, Leah Vukmir, Kevin Nicholson and outside groups in that race — which is the highest amount for any senate race in the nation.
There is not as much activity in the state’s governor’s race — yet.
Outside groups appear to be sitting on the sidelines until after the primary.
A new report, however, from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign says two-thirds of the roughly $655,000 that has been spent on statewide and governor’s races, has gone to just one candidate for governor; Democrat Mahlon Mitchell.
Three unions have spent about $412,000 to support Mitchell, who is the head of the state’s firefighters’ union.
Outside groups haven’t yet geared up spending, on what is expected to be a big dollar battle between Gov. Scott Walker and whoever emerges from today’s partisan primary on the Democratic side.