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Walker to deliver State of the State, while critics say governor’s late to party on health care



It’s just politics heading into an election.

That’s what some of Gov. Scot Walker’s critics are claiming about the Republican’s seemingly newfound interest in keeping health care costs down in Wisconsin.

Walker surprised many in the last few days by introducing plans to tackle health care costs. Plans Walker will discuss today in his annual State of the State address.

“I think it’s stunning that after almost eight years in office, suddenly Gov. Walker thinks that state government should do something about skyrocketing health care costs,” Robert Kraig from Citizen Action of Wisconsin said.

Kraig said the only positive he can seen in this newfound interest of Walker’s is that he finally seems to realize the importance of doing it.

But, Kraig thinks Walker’s sole motivation is political in this election year.

“During both of his terms, and he has done nothing but try and sabotage the Affordable Care Act up until now,” Kraig said, “I think it’s way too little and way too late.”

Critics of Walker’s plan say they’re not fooled. Walker’s new interest in lowering health costs surprised many.

Part of that plan is to pay insurance companies to keep premiums low for those who get their insurance on the exchange – something that sounds completely ineffective to Kraig.

“There are things he could be doing to actually reduce health insurance premiums, copays and deductibles,” Kraig said. “He’s simply not doing them in this plan and it doesn’t make up for all the damage he’s done sabotaging the Affordable Care Act.

“For a lot less money, we could reduce rates a lot more for people.”

Walker’s address will begin at 3 p.m. at the state Capitol.

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