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La Crosse Dem. chair not happy with justice Bradley or Gov. Walker



Anti-gay comments from
judge revealed Monday

After extreme views from Rebecca Bradley’s past, some have called for the Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice to resign.

News came out Monday of writings from the 44-year-old Bradley’s college years, filled with disparaging things about homosexuals. Writings for which she apologized.

La Crosse County Dem. Party chair Vicki Burke wasn’t sure about Bradley’s apology.

“She is saying that she has changed her attitude, but those are very extreme beliefs about peopel who are homosexual,” Burke said.

Bradley’s writings are from a couple of editorials when she was a student at Marquette University in the early 90s.  She wrote, among other things, “homosexuals and drug addicts who … kill themselves and others through their own behavior deservedly receive none of my sympathy.”

“It reflects, really I think, of a very extreme attitude and certainly is in line with (Wisconsin Gov. Scott) Walker, who appointed her and holds extreme attitudes, himself,” Burke said.

Burke expressed surprise that Walker would have appointed Bradley to the high court without knowing about her long-ago, anti-gay rants.

“To be appointed to the Supreme Court with the lack of experience that she had, makes one question what was behind her appointment,” Burke said.

Although written nearly 25 years ago, when Bradley was 20 years old, the published writings could be potentially damaging to her now as she runs for a 10-year term on the high court.

Another part of what Bradley wrote while back in Marquette: “heterosexual sex is very healthy in a loving marital relationship, homosexual sex, however, kills.”

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