Local News
EPA regulations could lead to savings, jobs
By 2030, EPA wants cut emissions by a third
For those advocating suing the federal government over clean air regulations, the costs of those regulations are often used as justification.
The cost for Wisconsin consumers is $2 billion if an EPA plan to cut carbon emissions is allowed to stand, according to critics. Actually, says Jonah Hermann, from the Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters, costs actually work out in consumers’ favor
“It would allow for the creation of clean and renewable energy like wind and solar,” Hermann said, “that is widely known to be much cheaper and create jobs which is, at the end of the day, so important.”
Wisconsin has just joined about two dozen other states in challenging the EPA’s new Clean Power Plan in federal court. At the core of the plan is a mandate for states to cut carbon emissions by about a third by 2030 from 2005 levels.