Assembly speaker meets with Gov. Walker about limiting Evers’ power

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has met with Gov. Scott Walker to discuss Republican plans to limit powers of the governor’s office before Democrat Tony Evers takes office.
Vos and Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke met with Walker in his Capitol office on Thursday.
Vos was tight lipped after the meeting, telling The Associated Press he did not want to speak for the governor.
But Vos says they discussed ideas that have been reported publicly and “hopefully he’ll be generally supportive of those.”
Vos and Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald have talked about limiting the rule-making power of the governor, changing members of boards and commissions the governor can appoint and strengthening the voter photo ID law.
Evers has accused Republicans of trying to cling to power.

November 16, 2018 at 1:36 pm
Knock it off crybabies! The governor elect won the office of governor as it exists!
Richard Wieland
November 20, 2018 at 7:42 pm
You LOST, keep YOUR STINKING NOSE out of “WE the PEOPLE’s” government!!!! BYE B YE KOCH BROTHERS and WALKER!!!!!!!