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Purnell, retired Army Sgt.1st Class, hired to run Viterbo program helping veterans transition to college



Viterbo University has hired an Army veteran to help assist those now out of the service and attending college for the first time.

Keith Purnell will be Director of Military Aligned Student Support and Recruitment, heading the school’s veteran academic outreach program. 

Purnell retired after 22 years in the Army and achieved the rank of Sergeant First Class.  Purnell says he relies on his own experiences where he struggled at the start of school because no one filled that role.

“It would be nice to have someone in the system that really understands how veterans think,” Purnell said, “and someone that can kind of take a veteran by the hand and lead a veteran, starting with the application process.”

The program will be available to both veterans and their families. Viterbo’s goal is to increase the number of military-aligned students by 300 percent over the next five years. 

He also recently finished school himself and says every campus in the country should follow Viterbo’s lead

“To me, when a veteran comes to a campus and they’re paying those benefits that they’ve earned, I think we have a responsibility to give them a high-quality product that serves their need,” he said.

Services include help with the application process, making sure they have their military benefits and post graduate counseling.

For more information, click here.

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