Many young people are headed back to school this week after a holiday break, but colleges generally will wait a little longer. UW-La Crosse has a...
“Distrastrous” and “insanity” are two of the words being used to describe a vaccine mandate from health care workers at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse....
MADISON, Wis. (AP) Afghan refugees at Fort McCoy are being offered free COVID-19 vaccines one of many precautions being taken at the military base to prevent...
More residents became eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine this week. Rachel King, a Health Educator for La Crosse County, shared who is eligible and possible side...
Mayo Clinic’s could distribute 50,000 COVID-19 vaccinations a week. That, according to Dr. Abinash Virk, an infection specialist at Mayo in Rochester, Minn. “If we had...
For those looking to get on a COVID-19 vaccine list, here’s how. The La Crosse County Health Department is asking that anyone interested in getting the...
After accepting an initial shipment of 1,900 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, Gundersen Health System in La Crosse administered its first doses Tuesday morning. “I am so grateful...