CDC encourages needle exchanges.
Mills still at helm despite eviction moves by city.
In May of 1964, at the urging of the city council, the La Crosse School Board voted to build a...
Gov. Dayton already said he’s vetoing GOP spending bill
Residents have complained heavy pounding traffic is destroying their homes.
Consultant says building should focus on conventions, while board president disagrees.
Twenty-three officers completed crisis intervention training this week.
Renovation project is worth over $30 million
Eagles only team ranked in Top 25 in regional
Commission to find proof of president’s allegations that 3-5 million voted illegally.
On the surface, it seems to make sense. Fining parents on public assistance whose children are habitual truants. That is the gist of legislation in Madison...
In the summer of 2004, Gundersen Lutheran announced plans to build a renal dialysis center near its Onalaska clinic and the old Fauver Hill School. The...