One of the many difficult decisions Wisconsin legislators will have to make as they consider the Governor’s budget proposal is how to best fund road work...
Sometimes, when things aren’t perfectly clear, you need to trust what you see with your own eyes. Which is not the same as seeing what you...
One week ago, we used this airtime to condemn democrats in the Wisconsin Legislature. It turns out we were wrong. At issue was the honoring of...
Will today be the day Wisconsin begins to go up in smoke? One Wisconsin state lawmaker will announce today plans to introduce legislation to fully legalize...
The policy is clear on paper. But not so much in practice. The UW La Crosse policy on free speech reads in part, “UWL encourages and...
The case has been slammed shut like a jail cell door. But that doesn’t mean the problems are over at Wisconsin’s troubled you the prison. A...
Today is April 15. A day many Americans dread. And for good reason. Today is the day when we must satisfy our obligations to our federal...
The Scott’s Comment below, states incorrectly that Democrats sat quietly as Republicans applauded troops recently. Video footage shows otherwise. This comment has been addressed in a...
It turns out our lawmakers can agree on something. Wisconsin lawmakers from both political parties have worked together to pass what they called commonsense legislation. Members...
When people get sick, they typically have no idea what their medicine will cost. And they have no idea how the price gets marked up along...
As much as we may despise how much social media can be used for bad purposes, it is worth remembering that our constant checking of Facebook...
Our elected officials are supposed to be good stewards of our tax dollars. But when it comes to strengthening their hold on power, some of our...
We elect our lawmakers to, well, make laws. Turns out they are farming that work out to corporations eager to spread their agendas across the country....
There is little debate as to the poor condition of Wisconsin’s roads. The rub is how to pay to fix them. Under Governor Scott Walker, the...
In government, doing things the way they’ve always been done isn’t always the best way. The city of La Crosse is figuring that out as it...
It is election day today in Wisconsin. As is typical in most spring elections, there isn’t much on the ballot. But it is an important election...
It hasn’t gotten the headlines of a presidential election, but another important election is upon us. Voters in Wisconsin will head to the polls tomorrow. Some...
Maybe this time they’ll get it right. The city of La Crosse has struggled of late to pick up our fallen leaves in a timely fashion....
When presidents propose a budget, difficult decisions have to be made. There isn’t money to fund every deserving program. But the budget proposed by President Donald...
There oughta be a law. And soon there may be. Wisconsin lawmakers are considering cracking down on scammers who call you using a phony phone number....