A look at legislation to demolish the old Macy’s at the Valley View Mall, short-term renal regulations and chicken deregulation in La Crosse
It’s the Mac and Mack hour of La Crosse Talk PM, with city council members Mackenzie Mindel and Mac Kiel in studio Thursday. The two big things discussed were tearing down the old Macy’s at the Valley View Mall, as well as legislation in regards to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).
La Crosse Talk PM airs weekdays at 5:06 p.m. Listen on the WIZM app, online here, or on 92.3 FM / 1410 AM / 106.7 FM (north of Onalaska). Find all the podcasts here or subscribe to La Crosse Talk PM wherever you get your podcasts.
With ADUs, we first defined what they are — separate buildings on a residential property — and what allowing them might mean for La Crosse.
We also discussed potential short-term rental regulations that was initially discussed at last month’s meeting, and we talked possible chicken de-regulation in the city.
Both Mindel and Kiel are on the city’s Judiciary and Administration (J&A) Committee, which will meet Tuesday — as it does every month.
In regards to the committee, we talked about how J&A and the Personnel and Finance Committee — which meets the first Thursday each month — are the city’s most powerful committees and how these are the meetings in which the public should be highly involved.