As I See It

Infrastructure bill pricey but overdue



If your roof springs a leak and you don’t get it fixed, it will likely lead to more damage in your home. If your cars are in need of repair but put the work off, the cost of finally getting it fixed could be more than it’s worth. That is why it is good to see the new federal infrastructure legislation signed into law. It was beyond overdue. Our roads and bridges are badly in need of repair. About one-third of Wisconsin roads are in fair to poor shape, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers. Nearly 1000 bridges in the state are structurally deficient. President Biden pointed this out when he visited La Crosse this summer, highlighting the city’s needs and promising that with this bill, our roads will get fixed. There is also money for fixing our water and wastewater systems as well as transportation including electric buses and the possibility of a second daily Amtrak route through La Crosse. This is the first significant new investment in Wisconsin infrastructure since the creation of the Interstate Highway System 65 years ago. Yes it’s expensive. But also necessary.  Perhaps going forward we can schedule more routine maintenance so we don’t get sticker shock after years of neglect.

1 Comment

  1. Gary

    November 17, 2021 at 5:16 am

    Scott Robert Democrat just parroting the demonic-rat talking points. Go get another booster shot, maybe that will end your ridiculous existence.

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