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One more meeting on La Crosse Center plans happens next week



If you’re interested in the future of the La Crosse Center, mark Thursday, October 17th on your calendar.

The La Crosse city council will meet at the civic center that night, as part of a ‘public input’ session on final designs for the building’s $42 million renovation.

Center board president Brent Smith says one of the newest changes to the project involves decorations to the ceiling of a new ballroom.

Smith also says the existing North Hall meeting room will be torn down early in 2020, after the MOSES organic conference, and will be rebuilt in time for the 2021 MOSES meeting.

A connecting hallway meant to link two ballrooms has been dropped from the center plans, but a similar connector on the east side of the building is still being proposed.

A native of Prairie du Chien, Brad graduated from UW - La Crosse and has worked in radio news for more than 30 years, mostly in the La Crosse area. He regularly covers local courts and city and county government. Brad produces the features "Yesterday in La Crosse" and "What's Buried on Brad's Desk." He also writes the website "Triviazoids," which finds odd connections between events that happen on a certain date, and he writes and performs with the local comedy group Heart of La Crosse. Brad been featured on several national TV programs because of his memory skills.

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