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Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson touts economic message in Trump’s address, promises wealth will spread



While economic conditions in general do appear to mirror the message delivered in President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech this week, not everyone is feeling it.

Wages have remained stubbornly stagnant even while the national unemployment level is around 4%.

Just wait for it, Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson claimed Wednesday on WIZM, the wage increases are on the way. Johnson believes an immediate change to that could be the new tax cut law, which will mean more money in your paycheck in the coming weeks. 

“It won’t take us that much more additional economic growth to put, I think, pretty strong upward pressure on wages,” Johnson said. “I’ve certainly seen it in manufacturing facilities throughout Wisconsin.”

Kimberly Clark Corp. is, apparently, not one of those manufacturers. The company announced 5,500 layoffs last week and Wednesday, it was reported 600 of those would happen near Neenah, Wis., where two plants will be closed.

Johnson still predicts all the economic goodness just hasn’t made it to everyone.

The growing profits, tax breaks, stock market increases, however, “that obviously does benefit those people who can afford stock,” Johnson said, “but it also does benefit anybody that has a 401k or any other pension plan that invests in stock markets.”

Johnson also believes the projections behind the new tax law, which say cuts in taxes will mean an additional $4,000 per household in additional income.

“A good economy does help every American, hopefully,” Johnson noted. “There’s always is going to be disparity. But the stronger the economy , I think, the more people are going to see it in their wages.”

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