Local News

Critics hot over scrubbing global warming from DNR website



Critics have seized on a move by the Wisconsin DNR to
whitewash references to global climate change on its website.  

The Wisconsin DNR’s website has gone from acknowledging that the globe is warming to saying the earth is simply changing, “as it has done throughout the centuries.”

The agency has eliminated references to carbon dioxide and human involvement in climate change. Instead, it is saying the causes of change are “debatable.”  

Responding to the change Glen Jenkins with Citizens Climate Lobby in La Crosse said, “That’s ridiculous. It’s been well proven time and time again, if anybody does any research on the science that’s gone into this, it’s no longer debatable.” 

Jenkins maintains science clearly shows that climate change is impacted by human activity and it will take interaction to deal with it.  

His group has advocated for a special fossil fuel tax to limit the use of the fuels that create carbon dioxide and increase the greenhouse gas effect.

The DNR says the new wording simply reflects the same stance the agency has taken for years; that it must adapt to change, from wherever that may come.  

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