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Credit card debt not a huge issue in Wisconsin



One expert says, however, if you’re in cc debt, it could be a big problem.

Credit card debt can be troublesome. 

In Wisconsin, however, as compared to the rest of the nation, it’s not a terrible problem. Wisconsin ranks fifth in the U.S. for lowest average credit card debt at $4,693.

That said, Bruce Zmolek at Firefighters Credit Union in La Crosse has advice.

“Before you get into it, just tell yourself, ‘Anything I put on this card, is paid in full when the bill comes,'” he says.

If it comes to the point where that’s not a possibility, Zmolek sees a bigger problem brewing.

“A credit card is a sign of one thing and one thing only – it’s people living beyond their means,” he said of those not paying them off. “I preach to my members and all my loved ones, ‘If you have credit card debt, there’s a problem.'”

Zmolek won’t even give out credit cards at his business.

It’s not just Wisconsin that fairs well in the area of cc debt, either. North Dakota, Iowa,  Minnesota, Massachusetts come in ahead of the Badgers state.

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