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Group encouraging Congress enforce anti-pollution rules



Group released survey, where Wisconsin sits atop the nation

When Americans want the summer fun of camping or boating, they choose Wisconsin in large numbers. 

During a news conference in La Crosse’s Riverside Park today, the group Environment Wisconsin encouraged Congress to enforce anti-pollution rules recently imposed by the EPA, so Wisconsin and other states can reap economic benefits from clean lakes and rivers.

The group is keeping track of tourist visits to lakes and rivers around the state, as a way of encouraging the state to keep its waters clean. It also announced, today, that Wisconsin has some of the highest numbers of boating and fishing licenses among all 50 states 

In a recent survey conducted by the group, Wisconsin ranks Top 5 in the nation in a number of categories – first in summer camps (with water activities), fifth in boating and fifth in top fishing states.

The survey can be seen at WisconsinEnvironment.org. Minnesota also ranks near the top in some categories, as well – second in boating, and third in fishing.

The Wisconsin Environment group says 14 million people a year visit the state and national parks in Wisconsin, which have waterways.  





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