One year after being arrested on an attempted murder charge in La Crosse County, Freeman Cole is expected to be formally charged later this week. Cole...
A suspect in an attempted murder in La Crosse is continuing to refuse to leave his jail cell to appear in court. For the second time...
Another competency hearing will be scheduled for Freeman Cole, in a La Crosse attempted murder case. The 43-year-old is now contesting results of a competency evaluation,...
A La Crosse man has been declared competent to go on trial for an alleged attack on a woman inside a south-side storage unit. Freeman Cole...
Freeman Cole will get a competency exam to see if he can be tried for attempted murder for an attack on a woman inside a storage...
Two men charged in separate La Crosse County incidents both appeared in court Tuesday, and both would need to post $500,000 bonds to get out of...
Four weeks after an attempted murder in La Crosse, city police informed the public Monday that a suspect was caught. Freeman Cole is accused of strangling...