While we lose a generation of people who survived the Holocaust, Alexandra Zapruder continues to work on another perspective of understanding that point in time. Alexandra...
CLEVELAND (AP) — Three men, espousing white supremacist with neo-Nazi beliefs, conspired to sow civil unrest by attacking power stations throughout the U.S. while expressing a...
The phy. ed. teacher who saved hundreds of Jewish children from deportation to concentration camps has died at 108 years old. Georges Loinger, was a teacher...
MILWAUKEE (AP) — A group at a Milwaukee high school recently took a photo to spread peace in response a photo that surfaced showing high school...
BARABOO, Wis. (AP) — A Wisconsin school district is investigating a photo of a group of high school boys giving what appears to be a Nazi...
Counter-protests were being organized
In comfort of fervent fans, Trump resurrects free-wheeling 2016 campaign style, pinging insults at perceived enemies and meandering from topic to topic
Legislature voted on resolution before Foxconn deal
“You got racism … on both sides,” a former GOP chair said. “Trump has zero fault here. None.”
There’s blame on “both sides,” president said of Charlottesville