It turns out, that $3 billion in incentives for Foxconn to build a massive manufacturing facility in Wisconsin was just a start. In just the past...
MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis. — A utility company is asking state regulators to approve a $140 million project to supply electricity to the massive Foxconn manufacturing complex...
Board voted unanimously to provide $764 million for company
A dozen Democrats are currently running to unseat Gov. Walker
Board expected to approve deal Wed., after delaying vote in Oct.
The governor will be in Onalaska at 8:40 a.m.
Agency had discovered unspecified problems in contract.
Issue called “a nuclear bomb” that would result in deal that doesn’t protect taxpayers.
Amazon is promising $5 billion of investment and 50,000 jobs over the next 15 years.
Former Trump aid Bannon, committed to dumping McConnell
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s abrupt move to cut off federal payments to insurers jolted America’s health care and political worlds alike on Friday, threatening to...
Company announced interest in 2nd HQ in September
Critics say White House approach would raise costs for sick, lower premiums to healthy
Landowners unhappy about being displaced
Negotiations discussed behind closed doors but no vote
Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan also were in the running for Foxconn
Path to repealing without a replacement narrows
Billions of gallons of sewage and untreated storm water released into Great Lakes because systems can’t handle it.
Democrats rail on tax cuts benefiting wealthy, no long-term road-funding solution and education funding that doesn’t make up for previous cuts.
Foxconn bill gives Foxconn unprecedented expedited appeals process, skipping state appeals court