Fellow Republicans prefer different tax break.
The speed limit will be lowered on Losey Blvd. Gary Padesky tells us more. {mp3}30516{/mp3}
Starting on June 17th of 1963, La Crosse County would begin building its new courthouse on 4th Street. The nearly two million dollar courthouse and jail...
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Dodd-Frank was created to prevent future economic meltdowns.
From drug testing the needy to Gov. Walker’s ignoring pro-growth policies.
Building will be challenge to preserve its history.
Come help out from 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays.
Miller was upbeat, comical taking with crowd, despite tragedy recently.
A 9-2 vote and the change will go into effect in days.
Dedication for “Babe” Weigent statue set for July.
FBI dir. also said Russian meddling is “about as unfake as you can possibly get.”