Rep. Assembly Speaker Vos: “It’s not a conservative think tank. Hopefully it will be able to offset some of the liberal thinking.”
Most personnel initially kept in dark to make scenario as realistic as possible.
Poverty dropped under 10% in state, but is at 13% in La Crosse.
No longer, do teachers have to come in for training during summer.
Story removed from website because it was not subjected high level of editorial scrutiny.
Making Avon St. corridor “greener, more walkable, bicycle friendly.”
Lack of houses available has pushed prices up 9% in county.
River may stay above flood stage through Memorial Day
Spike strips used to stop car.
In May of 1958, the L.G. Arnold Company of Eau Claire was the low bidder for a concrete paving project on Losey, from State Road south...
The number nearly doubled from attempts made in 2016.
Plan, outlined in White House summary documents, will be released today.