Terpstra will lead Torchlight, Moore to lead Maple Leaf
Highway could go through French Island
Two cameras have gone up in Riverside, another temporarily on Pearl Street
First responders found mother with wounds in her side and back
Rubio took 30% in local poll after Walker dropped out, Trump 11%
Accused say victim was attempting to break into a residence
Job entails ramp upkeep, collecting money, snow removal
Randall attorney waived today’s evidence hearing
City ranks third of top metros in state
Costs $85, lasts five years
Company could go to permanent fees to keep profits up
Dispatch calls down 1 percent, fire calls up 29
Randall allegedly shot high school student 9 times
Senate heard from whistleblowers from across the country
Less than 10 percent rural residents without healthcare
First of two public meetings on plans around La Crosse
Fill the Truck proceeds go to WAFER food pantry
Vos says there aren’t enough votes
Comments were deleted by police that night, arrested the poster
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson led hearings