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As I See It

Making a successful New Year’s resolution



As I See It

Do you make your New Year’s resolutions on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day?  Or do you forget then make them later, like Jan. 2 or maybe the first weekend?  

The current rate of those of us who have good intentions but fail to reach our goal is 70 percent. That may make you say “Why bother?” but maybe the goal is not as attainable as you might believe.  

Behavioral health experts say take the big goal and break it into smaller pieces. 

If you are trying to lose 50 pounds, instead of saying you won’t eat dessert ever again, try swapping out a snack with a fruit or vegetable or starting an exercise program at 10 minutes of physical activity a day. Make them more realistic goals.  

Think positive and focus on what the goal will help you achieve, instead of what you are being deprived of or just trying to kick a bad habit.

Timing matters, too. Perhaps spring is better to start the goal than the middle of winter. 

And review your progress toward your goal each week.  Whatever your goal is, I hope you are successful. 

As I see it, I’m Bill Dollar

I've worked in radio all over the south, and so far am loving the Midwest! Such a beautiful part of the country, but we'll see how I feel after my first Minnesota winter. My first paying job was a trading post manager at a Boy Scout summer camp. And yes, I am an Eagle Scout. I can juggle, say the alphabet backwards faster than forwards and can ride a unicycle, but my latest hobby is mountain biking. Looking forward to meeting my new extended Mid-West Family.

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