As I See It
What’s Your Oldest Christmas Present
You probably remember a Christmas gift when you were a child that you really enjoyed. It could have been clothing, a toy, a book, an electronic device or other gift. But do you still have it today? Is it boxed up in the attic or basement or has it passed on to someone else or was it thrown away when it finally wore out? I would imagine that only a handful of us listening still have that gift, dating back to our grade school years. Fortunately, I do. It’s my 1973 Gretsch five piece drumset in sparkle blue with some of the same original drum heads and my first cymbal. Even though I don’t have the chance to play as often as I did growing up, it’s still the gift that keeps on giving. And now is a great time to get your children or grandchildren involved in music. Studies say that musicians are better students and are more likely to concentrate and have more patience. Granted that a wind instrument is a lot softer than a drum, but nobody ever wrote a song entitle the Little Clarinet Boy. Merry Christmas.