Minnesota US House Rep. Finstad endorses new potential Speaker; Rep. Van Orden still in Israel on “fact-finding mission”

Late Friday, US House Republicans dropped Jim Jordan as the nominee for Speaker.
The Republican-led House has gone three weeks now without a Speaker and took the second consecutive weekend off.
Nine members are now running for the position since Kevin McCarthy was deposed as Speaker, and couldn’t be replaced by Jim Jordan after multiple votes.
Minnesota 1st District Congressman Brad Finstad has endorsed Tom Emmer for the position.
Finstad, whose district includes southeast Minnesota, said in a statement, “I have known Congressman Emmer for more than 20 years, since our time serving in the Minnesota Legislature. From the day that I arrived in Congress, it has been a privilege to work alongside Tom and I have come to truly appreciate him as a mentor and as a friend.
“In January, our Conference elected Congressman Emmer to be our Majority Whip – a position in which Tom has shown profound leadership. Whether it’s across Minnesota or across the country, Congressman Emmer has the trust and respect necessary to lead the People’s House. I am happy to support him for Speaker.
“The American people deserve a functioning Congress. It is my hope that my House colleagues can come together to get this election done, get the House back in order, and get back to working for the American people.”
Meanwhile, US House Rep. Derrick Van Orden of the 3rd District, which includes western Wisconsin, is still in Israel as of early Monday, according to his Twitter account.
On the same day Republicans were voting for a Speaker, Van Orden put out a statement Friday saying he was going on a “fact-finding mission” to Israel.
It is unclear when he plans on returning.

Bob N.
October 23, 2023 at 7:25 am
Rick Solem- If you still remember how to write a news story and not slanted, derogatory slights toward the 3rd District Congressman, why not start today.
Kent Porter
October 23, 2023 at 4:30 pm
I don’t see how VAN Orden going to Isreal to see what’s really going on is a bad thing MAYBE AOC TALIB AND THE REST OF THE AMERICA HATERS SHOULD GIVE IT A TRY
October 24, 2023 at 8:56 am
Anytime dingbat Ricks voice comes on I immediately switch to some other FM radio 102.7, Prayz, something, just not Solem….