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As I See It

It is no secret where Supreme Court candidates stand on the issues



Wisconsin’s contest for a seat on the state Supreme Court is officially nonpartisan. Of course, we know better. Just because they don’t have a “D” or “R” next to their name on the ballot doesn’t mean they aren’t a Democrat or Republican. Just follow the money trail. This election has already set a record for spending in a judicial race, now estimated at $45 million, more than triple the previous record. Liberal candidate Janet Protasiewicz has gotten nearly all her money from liberal groups and donors, and conservative candidate Dan Kelly has amassed his campaign war chest from conservative donors. She has the support of Planned Parenthood, he has the support of Wisconsin Right to Life, with the likelihood that whoever wins this race will decide the future of abortion rights in Wisconsin. Protasiewicz has been criticized for speaking out about issues like abortion and other cases that could come before the court. It isn’t considered judicial. But shouldn’t we know a candidate’s views on issues important to us on which the court could rule? It seems we already do. They are just starting to say it out loud.

Scott Robert Shaw served as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivered the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott had been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and retired in 2024

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  1. Ick

    March 30, 2023 at 5:57 am

    Both candidates should recuse themselves on any case that reaches the Supreme Court regarding abortion. They will not.
    Janet is going to win big and the rights of children will suffer.

  2. Tom

    March 30, 2023 at 10:03 am

    Yes. We should know where candidates stand on issues. Kelly: Fidelity to our Constitutions. Protasiewicz: not so much. She indicates her values and beliefs will sway her Rulings – not the law as written.

    Oh, and I like how Protasiewicz, “got money” while Kelly has “a war chest”. Nice.

    P.S. Reports indicate Protasiewicz got over 90% of her money from out of state, mostly CA & NY.

  3. Christopher Muller

    March 30, 2023 at 5:25 pm

    “…with the likelihood that whoever wins this race will decide the future of abortion rights in Wisconsin.” Scott, wouldn’t it be the voters, through their representives in the legislature, who ultimately decide what the laws are in our state? I get the feeling you are just promoting the false narrative that the judicial branch is the final authority on everything when, in fact, it is We the People. The checks and balances built into our system of government are very important so please be more responsible in how you communicate the lanes which those government bodies are supposed to stay within.

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