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Wisconsin Gov. Evers continues request for money to finish science complex at UW-La Crosse



FILE - UWL Prairie Springs Science Center, part 1

The second half of a major construction project at UW-La Crosse remains on the wish list of Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers.

The proposal in the governor’s capital budget of almost $4 billion, includes $182 million for the second phase of the Prairie Springs Science Center.

Last month, State Sen. Brad Pfaff called for continued support to complete the new science facility to replace the existing Cowley Hall. Former Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson, who was most recently the interim UW System president, has also pushed for its completion.

UW Regents already included the science center in its own capital budget last summer, along with other UW-L projects:

• Prairie Springs Science Center Completion Project-Cowley Hall Demolition, $186,919,000
• Center for the Arts Parking Ramp & Police Building Addition, $34,068,000
• Graff Main Hall and Mitchell Hall Maintenance & Repairs, $6,962,000
• East Chiller Plant, $6,904,000
• Wing Technology Center Computer Science Lab Renovation, $2,533,000        

The first Prairie Springs building opened five years ago.

Gov. Tony Evers takes questions from UW-La Crosse students during a roundtable on campus, Sept. 29, 2022. (PHOTO: Brad Williams)

A native of Prairie du Chien, Brad graduated from UW - La Crosse and has worked in radio news for more than 30 years, mostly in the La Crosse area. He regularly covers local courts and city and county government. Brad produces the features "Yesterday in La Crosse" and "What's Buried on Brad's Desk." He also writes the website "Triviazoids," which finds odd connections between events that happen on a certain date, and he writes and performs with the local comedy group Heart of La Crosse. Brad been featured on several national TV programs because of his memory skills.

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