Cops go “Wild” for chicken wings at Onalaska fundraiser on Monday
A popular winter fundraiser for the Special Olympics is back at an Onalaska restaurant for another year.
Monday, between noon and 8 p.m., is when Onalaska police officers will help out at Buffalo Wild Wings for the 13th Annual “Cops Gone Wild” event with some of the day’s proceeds from food sales going to Special Olympics.
Sergeant Matt Jahr with the Onalaska Police Department will be taking part, ready for a 5 p.m. wing-eating contest. Jahr told WIZM’s La Crosse Talk how he was brought into the wing contest years ago.
“The first year we were doing this, I think the person who was supposed to represent our officers didn’t show up,” Jahr said, “and being that I was there helping out, Investigator Pete Jakowski grabbed me and put me up at the table to eat.”
Jahr was asked by WIZM’s Mike Hayes whether he has a secret for gobbling lots of spicy wings.
“If there is, I really haven’t found it yet,” he said. “If someone can figure it out, let me know.”