COVID and college move-out cause concern at City Hall

A proposed city proclamation in La Crosse supporting a statewide stay-at-home order is now pointless, since the order has been lifted by the courts.
The proposal was withdrawn by Mayor Tim Kabat at Thursday night’s city council meeting.
Kabat says he had tried to persuade La Crosse County officials to extend the stay-home rules locally, but since
Meanwhile, citizens are being asked to continue safe practices the next few weekends, when thousands of visitors may come to La Crosse for college move-out.
City council member Jessica Olson says 10,000 to 12,000 visitors could increase local exposure to COVID-19.

Jeffery Pralle
May 15, 2020 at 6:31 am
There has never been a Stay at Home order , it has always been a Safer at Home order. It would be nice to see it reported correctly.