Opponents of extended stay-home order rally in south La Crosse

About two dozen demonstrators, young and old, lined up on Mormon Coulee Road during afternoon rush hour Friday to protest the continuing stay-at-home order for Wisconsin residents.
Many of the people on the sidewalk carried signs criticizing the shutdown, with some specifically calling Gov. Tony Evers “tyrant” and “emperor.”
One protester appeared to be wearing a photo mask of Evers over his face, while also wearing a crown and a purple cape.
The crowd also carried U.S. flags and displayed “Don’t Tread on Me” banners, as passing drivers honked.
Similar demonstrations have taken place near La Crosse City Hall recently, where picketers objected to the prolonged closing of businesses such as hair salons.
The governor’s shutdown order was recently extended to May 26th, leading to protests throughout the state.

Tom Fitzpatrick
May 10, 2020 at 4:41 pm
Strange how these protesters complain about Gov. Evers when Evers is doing what the Trump Administration has recommended. Apparently the protesters don’t object to Trump’s recommendations as long as Trump doesn’t have the courage to follow his own recommendations, or care enough about the health of our citizens to really promote policies to protect people’s health.