Wisconsin lone state voting Tuesday, and Sanders-Biden race still very much in play

It’s been a messy lead up to Tuesday’s election in Wisconsin, but the race between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden is still too close to call, despite what you hear.
While 15 states have postponed elections recently due to a coronavirus outbreak, Wisconsin is the lone holdout for in-person voting today.
Bernie Sanders has been pressured by some to drop out, but why?
Sanders isn’t close to out of it and his policies are looking more attractive every day, as a coronavirus shows shortcomings in the “system” — whether that’s guaranteed healthcare, living wages or workers’ rights, like paid sick leave.
Sanders is only 303 delegates behind Biden (1,217 to 914) in a race to 1,991 with nearly half the states and multiple territories yet to vote.
Wisconsin has 84 delegates to dish out, and multiple states with around 100 delegates are yet to hold primaries. Among those, New York with its 274 delegates, Georgia has 105, Pennsylvania has 186, Ohio has 136, New Jersey is at 126.
In 2016, Sanders easily beat Hillary Clinton with 57 percent of the vote. If that happens again, the tide could change for Sanders.
If it goes in Biden’s favor, Sanders likely still wouldn’t drop out. His presence and this pandemic can keep pushing Biden on key policies the nation appears to see more and more as, not just beneficial, but necessary.
For anyone who needs to vote Tuesday in the city of La Crosse, the polling places have changed. There’s a list of them here or go to
To read more about the whirlwind that was Monday’s decision to cancel, then un-cancel in-person voting, click here.
On that, Sanders put out a statement Monday that reads: It’s outrageous that the Republican legislative leaders and the conservative majority on the Supreme Court in Wisconsin are willing to risk the health and safety of many thousands of Wisconsin voters (Tuesday) for their own political gain. Let’s be clear: holding this election amid the coronavirus outbreak is dangerous, disregards the guidance of public health experts, and may very well prove deadly. For that reason, our campaign will not be engaged in any traditional GOTV efforts.”
Also, absentee ballots need to be turned in or postmarked Tuesday, as well. The deadline is no longer extended.