Yesterday in La Crosse
We were paying the lowest gas prices in years, 38 years ago

In March of 1982, an ‘oil glut’ on the market led to some pump prices in Wisconsin dropping 5 cents in a week. The AAA said the lowest gas price in the state was $1.11 per gallon, the cheapest since early 1980. The typical price in La Crosse was around $1.22.
A guy on French Island was facing charges of commercial gambling. Police found slot machines and casino tables at the home of Richard Scott. He was accused of promoting casino nights for different groups, and said he only kept the equipment to teach other people how to gamble.
The director of the UW-La Crosse marching band wanted to step down. Dr. John Alexander said he was resigning as leader of the Marching Chiefs after 13 years, because of his heavy workload. Eventually, Alexander stayed with the band for many more years.
A ‘Rock Revival’ show brought past music stars Bobby Vee, Tommy Roe, and Freddy Boom Boom Cannon to downtown La Crosse. The oldies show drew a big crowd to the Mississippi Queen bar on 4th Street in 1982, yesterday in La Crosse.