Winona jail study works against 2021 closing deadline
Do something about your jail, or else lose it.
That command to Winona County from the state of Minnesota has led to a study of future jail options, with a 2021 deadline looming.
Sheriff Ron Ganrude doubts that the existing jail building, about 40 years old, can be remodeled to meet modern standards.
If the Winona jail has to close, Ganrude says prisoners could be sent to newer jails in Houston and Wabasha counties.
Winona County only houses men in its jail now and for no more than 90 days at a time.
The study group is meeting this month and will report in February to the county board.
The state says it imposed a deadline on Winona County to force officials into making some kind of progress on jail conditions before the jail license expires in the fall of 2021.